Sunday, February 12, 2012


          This Valentine's weekend, I can't think of a better way to show my love & appreciation for the friendship I cherish with these women than to throw an Indonesian dinner (which is something I haven't done in 15 years).  
I still remember a thing or two on how to prepare such dinner, from watching my mother cooked in our tiny kitchen in Jakarta, Indonesia, where I grew up a long time ago.  If you ever want to try this cuisine, there are numerous web sites pertaining to Indonesian cooking, complete with pictures and recipes. The one I like most is

For our event I decided to go with some of the more famous dishes, such as:
Lumpia (eggrolls)
Gado-gado (steamed vegetable salad with peanut dressing)
Sate Ayam (chicken satay served with peanut sauce)
Nasi Goreng Udang (shrimp fried rice)
Kue Pandan (pandan cake)
Es Buah (iced tropical fruit in coconut milk)

The hostess welcomed us with roses, champagne & heart-shaped chocolates and gave each guest a small potted rose plant to take home.  In addition, one of the ladies gave me a vintage-style apron as a Valentine's gift.  How could a woman not fall in love all over again with such sweet friends?
They are the ones who love you for who you are, who stand by you and hold hands in prayer with you - they're one of life's most priceless treasures.  I know what the apostle Paul meant when he said, "I thank God whenever I think of you", because I thank the Lord when I think of these women.


What a welcoming sight: roses, champagne & chocolates...o, my!
Eggrolls with Tangy Tomato Garlic Sauce
 (notice the burned edges?  I was so excited about the champagne & chocolate that I forgot to take these out of the oven)

Steamed Vegetable Salad with Peanut Dressing

Chicken Satay with Peanut Sauce 

Shrimp Fried Rice

Pandan Cake drizzled with Chocolate Sauce & sprinkled with Toasted Coconuts

Iced Tropical Fruit in Coconut Milk

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